Cute Kidzers

Cute Kidzers






Life in the fast lane!

Well my goodness! It has been so long since I blogged last! Life has been insane, me in school, summer activities, Baseball, birthdays, My wonderful, sweet Grandma Davis passed away, vacations, camp outs, oh and did I mention me in school!!!
I put only my favorite pictures on here this time, it was hard to choose, but instead of making you watch a long slide show I decided to do it a little different this time!
Kaden was on the Dodger's team this season and he did such a wonderful job! He didn't have to do Tee Ball again so we were all excited about that! He was the "real" deal this time! The whole uniform, the dug-outs, and the highlight of his season... being able to slide! (into every base!) But it was fun!
Bailee had a wonderful "Ariel" birthday! We went to Build a Bear, then had all the cousins over for a super fun birthday! I was so excited, I gave her my vanity that my wonderful dad MADE for me when I was her age! I re-painted it, and while I was doing that, I took off the mirror and to my surprise, my dad had written a message to me in 1988 when he made it! I love it, and yep it made me tear up! It was a surprise to see that he made it for me when I was 4 and I was doing this for her on her 4th birthday! Anyway, I thought it was wonderful! Well she had a great day, and it was nice to spend the day with family!
We also went camping with Drew's family. It was really fun! We spent a lot of time fishing and playing games! It was nice to be with family! But I do have to say that after camping for 5 nights, I was ready to get out of the sun and away from the bugs!... and the dirt! But it was fun!
We also took a trip to Idaho with Drew's mom and sister. I was really fun to get away and relax for the weekend! Karen asked us to take her up there for her aunt's 80th birthday! So it was nice to go see and meet all of the family that was there!
Then my sweet Grandma Davis passed away this month. She needed to go be with our Heavenly Father, it was time, but we/I will miss her! She was such a wonderful person and I am so thankful to have had her in my life and to have had her wonderful example! I can't wait to join her one day, and I am so thankful to know that Families Are Forever!
Well I am still in school! It is so hard to leave my kids everyday! I have so much respect for working moms who do it all the time! I have about 8 months left, so its not too bad. But it sure does take a lot out of me! School every day, still cleaning, taking care of kids and hubby! Man its a busy life these days!
Well I have no idea when I will post again. But thank you to everyone for all of your support, help and love! There are so many people in my life that I am thankful for and that I appreciate so much! love you all!


What we have been up to...

Well it has been a very busy last couple of months. We did a little make-over in our family room! It was a LOT of work, but it was fun! We bought the white thing at DI for 10 dollars and bought some paint and trim, After about 4 or 5 days, we finished our new tv stand, and our new side table! I think they turned out pretty good. The cute little dresses I made for a lady at Drew's work who just had a baby! They turned out pretty cute! I think I made about 8 of those dresses last month! Needless to say, Bailee has a lot of new dresses! :) What else?... Oh I started school 3 weeks ago! Yep, I am going back to Cosmetology. I go to MATC in Lehi. It is quite fun, I miss my family so that is hard, but I like getting out and "using my brain" for something useful! I have taken 3 tests and past all of them, so that is good! I was worried I had lost all of my "memory" but turns out, I can still learn and study! ...very good to know!... Kaden has started Baseball again! He is so excited! He is on the Dodgers! It is going to be nice to go and actually watch a real game because now he plays machine pitch!!! Yeah no more Tee ball!!! Needless to say, it is all we hear about now! Bailee is turning into a 16 year old! My word that child is a drama queen! I love her to death, but man, she either loves you are is not your friend! No, she is very fun! Wouldn't change her for the world! Drew, he is still as busy as ever working away at work. I feel like I never see him anymore! Between my school schedule and his work, we see each other for about 2 or 3 hours a day before its time to go to sleep and start again! Well that is what has been going on the the Evans' house lately! Hope you are all doing good!


My Valentines!!!!

Well I know this is a little after the fact, but I wanted to write about my day with my 3 Valentines! I was planning on making a yummy valentine breakfast this morning, but do to some un-wanted visitors early this morning, I slept in! For lunch I made the kids yummy heart sandwiches! They were so excited! Bailee even asked, "Can we eat them?" lol Then we played games for quite a while as a family! It was so nice not to have the TV on and have it be just a family night! They had so much fun! So did I actually! Then we had a yummy dinner; heart shaped bread sticks, a new recipe called Italian Spinach Pie! veggies, and our drink was sprite with heart shaped kool-aid ice cubes! they turned the sprite pink, and the kids loved that! After our yummy dinner, we played another game (Guess Who!) Then we had a yummy dessert! I made red jello with raspberries in it, then a layer of banana pudding, then pink cool whip, topped with sprinkles! The kids and especially Drew loved it! We also gave the kids the home made valentines I made them! they loved them! Over all it was a wonderful day! I am so thankful that I not only have the love of my life to be my valentine, but for the other 2 sweet little Valentine's I have too! They all mean the world to me and I am so thankful that I have them! They are my joy and my light!
...Here are the pictures... Also there are some of the crafts I have done this month! It has been a busy month all ready! We have had quite a few craft nights and they have been so fun! Spending time with girls, especially my mom and my sister and sister in law has been so much fun! Bailee in the dress is the pillow case dress I made with Kristiena and my mom! It turned out so cute and Bailee loves it!
I hope you had a wonderful Valentines Day! Just remember that even if you don't have a significant other to spend this day with, there are plenty of people to love and people that love you!


All Grown Up!

He is all grown up! Well, ok, not quite! (Thank goodness!) Today my baby turned 6! I can not believe it! It was 6 years ago today that I went to the hospital nervous as can be, but so ready to bring a new little one into our family! At 11:42 pm he was born! It was a wonderful (quite easy) delivery, and soooo worth it! I might have hard days with him sometimes, but he is worth every one of those hard days! He is such a sweetheart, and is so caring! He loves to snuggle and is always keeping others in mind! Now don't get me wrong, he can be a little turkey, but over all, he is a great kid! I can not believe how fast time has flown by! He has all ready been in school for 5 months and he has grown and learned so much all ready! I remember when he was 8 months old, learning how to walk! I guess he always has done things quite quickly!
Kaden bud, I love you sooooo much and I am so thankful you are in my life! I am so thankful that our Heavenly Father has trusted me to bring YOU, His child, into this life and raise you and teach you the best way that I can! I can only hope and pray that I do a good job! Just know I love you so much and am so thankful you are in my life! You bring me so much joy, love and happiness, and I am so grateful to be your mommy! I love you!


Looong Day, but very greatful!

So it has been a very long day! If you have read my sister's blog you might know a little about it! But if you have not read it, let me let you in on a little bit of my day! So it started off good, got Kaden to school on time and everything! Then I decided to come up to my parent's house and help my sister out with her new blogging adventure! Well in trying to do that, we had some major Internet issues! and yep, it was all my fault!!! I totally screwed up all the computers in their house like bad! Anyway, well we fixed them (a little) with the help of the Qwest man on the phone, but unfortunately they were not fixed "all the way", but... thank goodness for my wonderful computer genius brother! He came and fixed them all for us, and even did the other maintenance things that they all needed! Thank you brother! I love you! Well before all this happened, I was going to blog about something nice! lol so now that I got a chance to vent a little, I will write about that!
So I was driving this morning and I passed a street sign with a woman's name on it! I remembered how I once used to sit and talk to this woman at baseball games, and how I would run in to her from time to time and she was always such a kind person! I knew she was going through some very hard things in her life, but she never let on about it! She was always so positive, and was such a sweetheart! She was a wonderful person and will forever be missed! :) Well in thinking about her and about all that she went through it made me realize that my life is not that bad! I sometimes feel like my live is not so wonderful, but thinking about her I realized that its really not that bad! Yes I have health problems that make me gain weight, or make it hard to have children, and a few other things, but really... it could be a lot worse!!! I don't have cancer, I don't have something that is very life threatening! I need to be grateful that I do have the 2 beautiful children I have, and that I am able to play with them and have fun! I am just very thankful for my blessings from my Heavenly Father and I know that even if things don't go the way that I thought they were going to, I still am a Child of God, and He hears my prayers, and He knows what I am going through! I am just very thankful... thats all!


New Year!

Well here is a new post for a new year! I had a wonderful year! I am so thankful for the many many many blessings I received last year! Not everything went the way I wanted it to, but I know that things will work out the way they are supposed to! I am so thankful for good health. My hubby as you all know went through quite a challenge with his leg, and I am so thankful that it ended up being a lot better then we were first told! I am thankful my kids had good health over all for the year! I am so thankful for family! I am thankful for the part that each person in my family plays in my life and for the love and example they give/are to me! I am so thankful for the job that my hubby has, and even though it is not his favorite place to be all the time, he keeps going, and works hard to support us! I am thankful for my wonderful, beautiful, crazy, happy (sometimes) kids! They are truly a gift from Heavenly Father and I am so thankful for them and the sweet spirits they have and the joy they bring into my life! I really have been blessed and am so thankful for all that I have! I know I have said this a lot lately, but I am so thankful for the Gospel in my life and for the knowledge I have of the plan of our Heavenly Father! I am so thankful for His Son, and for His willingness to go through what he went through for me!
On that note, we had a wonderful Holiday Season! We had a great Christmas and had so much fun with all of our family members! (I am sorry Erik and Kayloni, I didn't get a picture of you because you were right by me on the couch!) Speaking of them, on the 30th they welcomed their new little one! He is such a beautiful baby boy! I have a picture of them at the Hospital, but I didn't want to put one of him with out their "ok". But just know that he really is a handsome little boy! Then we had a fun New Years Eve at my parents house! We played games, and just hung out! It was great! Again, a perfect Holiday Season to finish out the year!
I am making some goals for the year and can't wait to accomplish them! But I will let you in on all of that next time I post! For now this is enough, I am sure this was a complete "Over-Load" of Annie, (sorry) But until then, Have a wonderful New Year! Love you all, and thanks for a wonderful 2010!

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