Cute Kidzers

Cute Kidzers






Days of 47 Rodeo!

So we went to the Days of 47 Rodeo! We had so much fun! We went with Grandma Karen, Aunt Jodi and Rena! The kids loved it! Kaden could not wait for the Cowboys to ride the bulls. It was funny, we were explaining why the bulls and the horses were bucking so bad (because of the rope wrapped around them) and he said, "Well I would be mad too if I had that wrapped around my peepee!" It was so funny!
Bailee just loved seeing all the animals! Her favorite part was the cowgirls barrel racing! She even got to be on the BIG screen! It was cute, she just sat and watched herself and waved with a big smile on her face!
Then we were sitting there and all of a sudden people started cheering and clapping. Well we look over, and there was President Monson! It was really fun! They announced he was there and he got up and waved his hands around in the air! After about 15 minutes he put his own cowboy hat on! It was so cute! Then during "half time" we walked over and tried to get his picture, but for church security reasons they would not let us! But he did wave right at/to me! Man I was like a little kid! I was so excited! anyway, we just thought it was cool that he happened to be there the same night as us!
Over all we ad such a great time! I just love being with my family!



We have had such a fun summer so far! We still have so much we get to do in the next month!

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