Cute Kidzers

Cute Kidzers






New Blog!

So I started a new blog yesterday about myself and finding the joy in my life. I am ready for a change to make my life even better and I decided that I wanted to blog about it. Not just for people to read, but for me to "write it all down"and recognize my blessings! Also I am trying to be more healthy. I am not going to be worried about losing weight anymore, I just want to be healthy. So for me to see what I eat every day and take note of all that, I am making little side notes of that too!
Can I also say that I think it is quite funny that my sister in law and I are kind of doing this at the same time! I got on this blog after I wrote my first day on the other blog, and read her blog. And I just had to laugh, because we pretty much wrote our first posts on the same day! Anyway, great minds think alike! Well if you wanna check it out, its

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