Cute Kidzers

Cute Kidzers






My Grandma!!!

So I obviously can't stop thinking about my Grandma, and decided I would write a few memories that I have of her!
I remember going to her house and it always smelt so good! Whether it was food she was cooking(and for some reason I remember it smelling like baking bread or onions simmering!) or the smell of her perfume, or just "the smell of her house"! It always smelt good to me!
I remember going with her and Grandpa and my family to the BYU Museum all the time! I have so many memories of going there with them! It was such a treat to be able to go there, then afterwords we would usually go and get ice cream at the BYU Creamery!
I remember her letting us dress up in her clothes and her jewelry! We would play with the dolls and toys. She always made us feel so beautiful! She would even take our pictures!
I remember this one time having a nice family dinner with them and my family, we were all at the table and she was telling us about how she was taught to swallow her drink so carefully as to make it look like she was not swallowing at all! I remembered we tried and tried, but could not do it like her!
I remember (this is kind of a funny one!) there was this one time when my brother Erik and I were just like 8 and 6 and we were in her front room where the blessing were sometimes given, and he pretended to give me a blessing! I remember the "scary" look on her face when she told us that she never wanted to see that again, and how scared I was of her for a little while! lol
I remember always having sleepovers with my sister and the other cousin girls our age! We would have so much fun! She would let us stay up and watch movies (The ones I remember most are The Parent Trap, My Fair Lady, and Trouble with Angels!) Then after the movie we would all get to get in her bed and have ice cream cones! This was such a wonderful tradition!
I remember going down to Fountain Green one time for a sleep over and they let us play in the rain! It was so much fun!
Well I could go on and on and on, but I want to just end with my memory of her Testimony! I know she had a very strong testimony of the church and I am so thankful that she expressed that to me on many different occasions! She was such a kind and giving person and I am so thankful that she is MY Grandma!


Grandma Lucy

Well it is going to be hard to write this but I just want to say a little something really quick! I just found out that my Grandma Yorgason past away today. She fell a couple days ago and had major bleeding in her brain and never re-gained conciseness. Her body just took a while to shut down. Anyway, I don't want to focus on that, I just want to say how much I love her! and that I am so thankful for the wonderful example she has always been in my life. She was such an amazing person and I am truly blessed to have had her in my life! We love you so much Grandma Lucy and we know you will be having a wonderful Christmas! Even though we will miss you, we are so glad you are not in pain anymore and you are with Grandpa now! Love you!

Also on a little side note, we went and did family pictures today with the help of Krystal! I am not quite in the mood to put them on here yet, but I all ready did on Face Book so if you want to see them, look on there for now! I am so happy with the way they turned out!


Christmas Stuff!

Decorations! Yeah its done!


New Post!!!

Oh my goodness! I finally did a new post! It has been so long! I do have to say that I have tried to do it many times, but my silly computer would not let me log in to my blog. But it did this time, and even though it is now 12:30 in the morning, I am finishing it because I don't want to lose it, or not be able to do it later!
Well like I said, a lot has happened! (As you can tell by ALL the pictures!) I took Drew to Park City for his birthday! It was a total spur of the moment idea I got and we went for it! We stayed at the Canyons Resort! It was so nice, I got a really good deal and was expecting an "OK" room and it ended up being so beautiful! It was probably the nicest place we have stayed! I wish we could have stayed longer, but that is what happens when Drew has work and it was a spur of the moment thing! But it was so worth it and we had so much fun. We went to dinner, did a little Christmas shopping and just had a nice QUIET weekend! Thank you so much Krystal for watching the kids on such short notice!
Then we decided to go bowling for Drew's actual birthday- day! We called the family and it was so wonderful that the whole family was able to make it... Again, on such short notice! But it was so fun to be with family and celebrate the love of my life! I love you Drew! Thank you for all you do for me and for our little family! You are truly the best and I am so lucky to have you in my life!
Then we had our family Thanksgiving the Sunday before Thanksgiving. It was nice to get together and see each other again! I had fun with the kids, we played Thanksgiving Bingo, colored pictures of Turkeys, and made little turkey out of apples and candy! I think the kids really liked it and I know the adults loved having them "sit " and doing something "quiet"! But it was a great night!
Then we had Thanksgiving with Drew's family. It was really nice! It was great to visit with his family and spend time together!

Well I know this is pretty much a novel, so bare with me a little longer! But I just want to say that I am so thankful for everything that I have! I am so thankful first of all for the Gospel in my life and for the knowledge that I have of our Heavenly Father's plan! I am so thankful for my family, for my wonderful hubby, and my 2 beautiful children! They are my everything! I know it is hard for me to see sometimes, but I know that I am blessed to have them and I would not trade them for anything! I am thankful for the rest of my family also. I am thankful for a mom and dad who raised me the way they did and for their unconditional love and support through everything! They are truly the best! I am so thankful for the best sister anyone could ask for! She is there for me literally 24/7 and I am so thankful for that! I am thankful for my wonderful brothers and all they do for me! They are so fun and I love to be with them and their wonderful wives! (and their kids!) I am thankful to have a roof over my head and food on my table in these "hard times". I really am blessed with so many things, and I want you all to know I love you so much and I hope you have a wonderful Holiday season!
I almost feel like I need to end it with "in the name of..." ya know what I mean! lol



Well, it has been a wonderful month so far! As many of you know, Drew has been off work for quite a while now (6 weeks!) but he goes back this Wednesday. It will be a little bitter sweet. I am excited to get my house in order again, but I am going to miss him! It has been really nice to spend this much time with him. I am just glad that his leg is finally getting better! It will take a while for it to fully be back to normal, but its getting there! He is in Physical Therapy for a few weeks, so that will help!
We went to Kaden's first SEP at school! His teacher says he is doing great! He has lots of friends, and is learning more and more every day! She said he is one of the few who can write all of his numbers the right way, so that was cool! That silly boy has also lost 3 teeth in one week! and he still has 2 that are loose! He is getting bigger and bigger every day and I love to watch him grow! Bailee is doing the same thing! She is still going strong with her "accent!" We always joke that she is from Baltimore or something because of the way she says her Rs! It was so cute the other day we cleaned the back patio and she came out and said, "ohhhhhhhhh, this looks Berry Amaaaaaaazing mommy!" I love it! She loves to dance and sing! She also LOVES to color! That little girl is just like her mom! She can sit and color for hours! (no really, hours!) She colors quite well for her age. Many people can't believe how good she does! Anyway they are both just so wonderful and I am so thankful to have them as my children!
I am doing great! I started the HCG diet about 11 days ago and I have lost 7 pounds! I actually got up to 9 pounds, but we went fishing the other night, and had a campfire with hot dogs and all that yummy stuff, and I ended gaining 2 pounds back! But I have lost 8 inches total! (As of a week ago, so I need to measure again) But I am so excited! It was so hard to lose weight before because I have PCOS, but with this diet I feel like I am in control of my body and I actually believe in myself! I can't wait to see where I am at at the end of it all! So wish me luck!
Well things are going great! I am excited for Halloween, like always and can't wait to take my little ones Trick or Treating!
Hope you all have a great month!
PS I am trying to get my pictures to download and for some reason they don't want to work so... hopefully thy will be posted soon!


What a Month So Far!

Well needless to say it has been a crazy month, and we are not even half way through it!
Kaden started Kindergarten on the 1st! He is loving it. He has so much fun, and has made so many new friends. He loves his teacher too. He went on and on when he got home the 1st day about how much he liked it, and how much fun he had. When he got done telling me I asked him if he wanted to go back tomorrow and he said, "Sure" lol. He was so excited, the 3rd day when he came home he said, "I got to GLUE mom!" So cute! We are all excited for this new new journey in our lives!
Then we had some fun with Drew in the last week and a half! Drew has been playing softball this fall and has been having so much fun! Well a week ago Thursday, he went to get a ball and when he turned to run he said it felt like someone kicked him in the calf of his right leg. But he still played 2 more innings, and it was not until he was up to bat, and was running to 1st that I even knew he was hurt! He started to hop on his left leg.(He even made it to 1st, and didn't get out!) Well we were not sure what was wrong, but he was smart and sat out the 2nd game! We went home that night, and decided to go to the ER. There they told us that he tore his Achilles Tendon. So we made an appointment with the Specialist for this last Wednesday. It was funny though because the hospital was calling us to register him for his surgery, and we told them we had not even seen the specialist yet, but they said that he had set it up, because that's the way they do it now! Anyway, so the surgery was all set up, and we headed to the specialist! He came in and was feeling Drew's leg and asking him questions and said, "Well it's not the Achilles Tendon, you tore you calf muscle, so there wont be any surgery tomorrow!" What a blessing! I know that our prayers were answered! So to make a long story (shorter...) he is now in a "boot" and is out of work for 4 weeks, rather than the almost 6 MONTHS it was going to be, if it would have been the tendon! I know that because of the many, many prayers, and through the power of the Priesthood my hubby had a wonderful miracle performed on his leg! In the ER, they did a little test on his leg to see if it was the tendon where they squeeze the back of his leg, and if the foot moves, its fine, but if not, the tendon is torn. Well his foot did not move at all in the ER! Then the specialist did the same thing and his foot moved just fine! AMAZINGGGGG! I am so thankful to my Heavenly Father for this wonderful blessing in our lives!
Then on top of all this, I am now working again doing the heater display for 2 Costco stores not just the 1. So that has kept me very busy also. I am just busy taking care of my (now 3) children, but I am thankful to have things to do! It is hard to have to wait on Drew all the time, but it is so good for me! I need to work on my patience! But now that he is always home, he gets to see what a wonderful JOY the kids are to be with 24/7!
Well that's it for now! I hope the rest of the month runs a little more smoothly!
Thank you for all the prayers, and thoughts concerning Drew! Dad, Ryan and Erik thank you so much for Drew's blessing and for mine! We love you all!


New Blog!

So I started a new blog yesterday about myself and finding the joy in my life. I am ready for a change to make my life even better and I decided that I wanted to blog about it. Not just for people to read, but for me to "write it all down"and recognize my blessings! Also I am trying to be more healthy. I am not going to be worried about losing weight anymore, I just want to be healthy. So for me to see what I eat every day and take note of all that, I am making little side notes of that too!
Can I also say that I think it is quite funny that my sister in law and I are kind of doing this at the same time! I got on this blog after I wrote my first day on the other blog, and read her blog. And I just had to laugh, because we pretty much wrote our first posts on the same day! Anyway, great minds think alike! Well if you wanna check it out, its


Days of 47 Rodeo!

So we went to the Days of 47 Rodeo! We had so much fun! We went with Grandma Karen, Aunt Jodi and Rena! The kids loved it! Kaden could not wait for the Cowboys to ride the bulls. It was funny, we were explaining why the bulls and the horses were bucking so bad (because of the rope wrapped around them) and he said, "Well I would be mad too if I had that wrapped around my peepee!" It was so funny!
Bailee just loved seeing all the animals! Her favorite part was the cowgirls barrel racing! She even got to be on the BIG screen! It was cute, she just sat and watched herself and waved with a big smile on her face!
Then we were sitting there and all of a sudden people started cheering and clapping. Well we look over, and there was President Monson! It was really fun! They announced he was there and he got up and waved his hands around in the air! After about 15 minutes he put his own cowboy hat on! It was so cute! Then during "half time" we walked over and tried to get his picture, but for church security reasons they would not let us! But he did wave right at/to me! Man I was like a little kid! I was so excited! anyway, we just thought it was cool that he happened to be there the same night as us!
Over all we ad such a great time! I just love being with my family!



We have had such a fun summer so far! We still have so much we get to do in the next month!

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