Cute Kidzers

Cute Kidzers







Well, it has been a wonderful month so far! As many of you know, Drew has been off work for quite a while now (6 weeks!) but he goes back this Wednesday. It will be a little bitter sweet. I am excited to get my house in order again, but I am going to miss him! It has been really nice to spend this much time with him. I am just glad that his leg is finally getting better! It will take a while for it to fully be back to normal, but its getting there! He is in Physical Therapy for a few weeks, so that will help!
We went to Kaden's first SEP at school! His teacher says he is doing great! He has lots of friends, and is learning more and more every day! She said he is one of the few who can write all of his numbers the right way, so that was cool! That silly boy has also lost 3 teeth in one week! and he still has 2 that are loose! He is getting bigger and bigger every day and I love to watch him grow! Bailee is doing the same thing! She is still going strong with her "accent!" We always joke that she is from Baltimore or something because of the way she says her Rs! It was so cute the other day we cleaned the back patio and she came out and said, "ohhhhhhhhh, this looks Berry Amaaaaaaazing mommy!" I love it! She loves to dance and sing! She also LOVES to color! That little girl is just like her mom! She can sit and color for hours! (no really, hours!) She colors quite well for her age. Many people can't believe how good she does! Anyway they are both just so wonderful and I am so thankful to have them as my children!
I am doing great! I started the HCG diet about 11 days ago and I have lost 7 pounds! I actually got up to 9 pounds, but we went fishing the other night, and had a campfire with hot dogs and all that yummy stuff, and I ended gaining 2 pounds back! But I have lost 8 inches total! (As of a week ago, so I need to measure again) But I am so excited! It was so hard to lose weight before because I have PCOS, but with this diet I feel like I am in control of my body and I actually believe in myself! I can't wait to see where I am at at the end of it all! So wish me luck!
Well things are going great! I am excited for Halloween, like always and can't wait to take my little ones Trick or Treating!
Hope you all have a great month!
PS I am trying to get my pictures to download and for some reason they don't want to work so... hopefully thy will be posted soon!

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